Optifarma Sp. z o.o. Sp. K deals with supply of medicinal products for clinical trials.
The activities of this profile began in 2010 with the company appearing in the Polish market. A broad base of foreign contacts allows us a wide range of availability of medicines throughout the European Union. Our advantage is the knowledge of the market and of the prices in it. Deliveries of comparators and medicinal products used in clinical trials for both domestic and foreign centres. Our cooperation with producers and suppliers of medicines allows comprehensive deliveries of various producers.
Products supplied for clinical trials are provided with the complete documentation: Certificate of Analysis of the lot, Summary of Product Characteristics and Safety Data Sheet.
We offer:
- purchase of medicines
- distribution of medicinal products in the country and abroad in accordance with the requirements of the Pharmaceutical Law and Good Distribution Practice (GDP)0020
- drafting up the project cost analysis including prices in the EU market